In some respects, I thoroughly enjoyed my long weekend. In another respect, I was stressed out and angry and reading my email and blogs (bordering on obsessively) and ranting at my poor roommate. Since I've blogged a bit about my anger, I'll blog about the good things I have in my life that I am thankful for.
This weekend I went to the Kane County Flea Market, an event I've been waiting for anxiously for about a month now. What can I say? I've been in a very flea market place for a while now. Actually, I think I can pinpoint it to me buying this book when I was in Iowa last month. Plus I've been reading a bunch of crafty blogs recently, both leave me itching for something re-do or salvage or just to stick something bizarre on my wall. The KCFM was all I wanted and more, except that I left my wallet at home. Oh was I crushed at this realization. Oh was I mad that I am constantly switching bags. But all was well. I didn't fulfill my goal of buying something tacky, but I was able to case the place and ready myself for my next visit.
On Sunday my co-worker and crafting buddy Shana took me to a Japanese megastore in Arlington Heights called Mitsuwa to introduce me to the wonderful world of Japanese craft books.
What a dangerous place. I bought two books, two bowls, a small platter and a bunch of Japanese junk food. (In fact, I made myself sick on rice crackers on Monday.) But check out the bowls and platter! Such a deal! All were only $7 a piece!! (I have been fussing with these pictures now for twenty minutes and have decided to give up and leave them as they are. I am just not talented enough to get them to go where I want them to go. Sorry for the ugliness in the design.)
I spent Monday cleaning and trying to sew. A while back I bought some fabric with the grand scheme that I would learn how to sew bags. (Again, the affect of the crafty blogs, craftster and Shana.) Monday I realized that while this may not be impossible, I was not going to get there in a matter of seconds. It took a while, but we (Natasha was helping me) managed to figure everything out. I was successful in the fact that I made the bag, though I feel like it should have a tag that says, "My very first sewing project." It's not my first, but I haven't been behind a sewing machine in about 12 years. And given that's half my age, I had some major ground to re-cover. I'm only putting up the picture of the interior, because it's a better picture, or rather more interesting than just the outside of the bag. (It's kind of big and a *lot* of denim.) Natasha cut my fabric for me, because she has the best scissors in the apartment and they are lefties. I was distracting her while she cut and she accidentally cut the pattern on the fabric upside down. Oops. Oh well, it's my starter bag.
This was also a weekend of old friends. Two of my college friends have moved to Chicago, though to Hyde Park, which is a bit of a hike. I saw them both this weekend. It's always nice to expand my friend group here, especially with people I already know so well.
Current songs playing in my head: "Don't Know Much About History" and "Cupid" by Sam Cooke. The three guys I refer to as the "Sam Cooke singers" (because that is what they sing) were in the L tonight. They are my favorite public transportation group, as they always sound amazing and I can always sing along. Unfortunately I lost my Best of Sam Cooke cd last summer, which makes me very sad of late, because I've really wanted to listen to it. I keep meaning to copy my dad's but I always forget when I'm home.
Claire, Are those bowls and platter from Japan? Check on the back will you? They are great looking wherever they come from. Sounds like a fantastic place. I take it the books are published in English. M
Posted by: Kate | September 07, 2005 at 09:41 AM
Whenever I visit Rolling Meadow High School, I head for Mitsuwa! I too have bought bowls there and they have the best varieties of instant noodles in a (syrofoam) bowl--makes you pooh-pooh the plain old Ramen noodles! I heard they also have great fresh eel--if that suits your fancy.
I laughed at your Kane county flea market trip. I know what you mean. I went there with a friend, kicking and screaming. Once there, she couldn't get me to leave! I bought a beautiful, old desk that needed no refinishing whatsoever. An elderly couple nursed it all its life. They were moving to FL and had to part with a lot of their belongings. I now baby it too.
Posted by: Sharon | September 07, 2005 at 03:36 PM